We are not offering online courses or books anymore. For further information, please contact [email protected]

Stop struggling with your money - make that change, today!

Bolster Risk Management

We believe Your Money Matters.

People want to have certainty and control over their finances while managing their cashflow. We understand that this is not always easy to do. Dominic Bish has put together these courses to help educate and guide you on your financial journey. 50% of every purchase will go Motor Neurone Disease NZ (MND New Zealand).

A short book to start you off

A well known classic that has been edited for the modern reader

How we think about others, ourselves and our situation have massive effects on us. Looking at things differently is one of the hardest things of all. This little book goes some way to start you on that journey. Your current perspective might be spot-on. However, it might also need some work.
As A Person Thinks - Dom Bish

Another short book to get you started

Like it or hate it, you cannot live without it. Master your money or it will master you

Dominic Bish wrote this book for those who are unsure about doing a 7-day course on personal money. With only 39 pages, it won't take you long to read, but it is packed with great information that you can start using right away.